Pitching and Catching Clinics:
All 3rd grade to 6th grade baseball players are invited to join the Cazenovia Baseball Association coaching staff for pitching and catching clinics. This is a great opportunity for players to work on pitching and catching skills before the start of the season!
Who: Cazenovia 3rd to 6th grade baseball players
Where: Middle School Auxiliary Gym
Friday March 1st
Wednesday March 6th
Friday March 8th
Wednesday March 13th
Friday March 15th
- Group 1: League Age 9 and 10 (3rd and 4th grade) - 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM
- Group 2: League Age 11 and 12 (5th and 6th grade) - 6:45 PM to 7:45 PM
What to bring: Rubber soled sneakers and baseball glove. Catcher's gear if you have it.
Registration: $10 registration fee
Click REGISTER above to sign up now!